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Foreign Affairs

Congress Needs Get its Power Back

When it comes to our national security, Congress needs to start having an honest conversation with the American people about defense spending and how we conduct foreign policy. The Founders put Congress in charge of defense and foreign policy of the country. Over time though, most of that power was handed over to the President by Congress. Congress may still decide how much to pay for it, but the President is still calling all the shots. Congress rarely asks questions and approves most actions by Presidents who have conducted secret operations, entered into international agreements, fast-tracked trade agreements and implemented tariffs, all without Congressional sign off.

As your Congressman, I will be always truthful with you and ask the people directly how they see the role of America in the world, and how much needs to be spent supporting that role.

After 9/11, Congress passed legislation giving power to the President that went further than any in the past. Since 2001, because of those actions, thousands of lives were lost and broken, trillions spent with little transparency and no questioning of it by Congress.


Peace Remains Elusive

The crisis in Ukraine shows us once again how finding peace remains hard work but if Americans want peace, then we must do our part too. Our U.S. military drops bombs in at least five countries, operates special forces in over a hundred all while our diplomats are interfering in elections overseas.

The never-ending cycles of violence the U.S. plays a role in around the world has prevented Americans from achieving what peace we’ve been promised every time we prepared for war. The constant war footing consumes our resources, divides us and makes peace that much harder to obtain.

Instead of resolving conflicts, we are creating future fiascos that will put Americans in harm’s way. Congress needs to start asking the hard questions, closely examine defense spending and assert a peaceful and proactive foreign policy.


Steps Toward Real National Security

National Security means more than just money spent on equipment and troops for the preparation and prevention of war, it also means the readiness of the American people to support such actions.

The Pandemic showed that our national defense must have a stable and strong domestic supply chain network. Americans are feeling confused, distrustful and showing hate, and that is hurting our ability to work together in solving our problems.

Our Country’s budget needs new priorities that focus on domestic issues such as newer, cleaner sources of energy, stronger infrastructure, efficient transit and plentiful clean water. Congress needs to act with better ideas and long-term plans on strengthening our domestic economy which contributes to our national security.

The U.S. remains a beacon to the rest of the world because every year thousands risk their lives to come here, but it’s also because our actions put these same thousands at risk in the first place. The U.S. needs to stop interfering in other countries, like in Central America, and work closely with other countries in solving difficult, long-term problems such as the Middle East.

The American People need to tell Congress how they see the U.S.’s role in our world. Our defense budget must reflect the will of the People. This approach to our defense and foreign policy will better serve our troops, save lives and property and will promote peace.

The International Day of Peace occurs on September 21 of each year and calls for no fighting for just one day. As your Congressman, I will draft legislation that expands this observance to include a stop to any financial transactions concerning arms trading, shipment and deployment and push for an International Truce Week as a simple step toward building a more peaceful future.

Paid for by Swartz For Ohio House

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