Feb 24, 2022
Swartz Releases Statement on Putin’s Aggression Against Ukraine
(Upper Sandusky, Ohio) As the world now clearly sees, Russia always intended on invading the sovereign nation of Ukraine despite its official proclamations that it was seeking a diplomatic solution to this ongoing crisis. Its (Russia) unprovoked assault against the government and people of Ukraine will be undoubtedly met with firm resolve by the U.S. and its allies in seeking an immediate ceasefire and a withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine soil.
Vladmir Putin’s autocratic government is a return to old Soviet Union practices of using war to distract their own people from their own government’s failures to provide for the Russian people’s freedoms, let alone providing basic goods and services.
Ukraine is a sovereign nation with its own history, language and culture and they must be allowed to live in absolute freedom and without fear of unjustifiable Russian interference in their internal affairs.
I firmly stand with President Biden in his administration’s determination to stop this aggression now and to seek with all possible means a peaceful resolution so that Ukraine, and Europe as a whole, can return to normalcy as soon as possible. I also call on the U.S. Congress to issue a resolution condemning Russia’s action against Ukraine. The U.S. and the World is with Ukraine.